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yume's drama votes (3)
Ikebukuro West Gate Park [池袋ウエストゲートパーク]
Unneccessarily AMAZING drama! So funny.
Omiai kekkon [お見合い結婚]
A Classic. No surprise since Yusuke Santamaria and Matsu Takako both star!
Yamato Nadeshiko [やまとなでしこ【大和撫子】]
The standard on anyone's shelf who knows anything about drama to begin with. =)

yume's artiste votes (9)
Fukatsu Eri [深津絵里]
A brilliant actress who puts a lot of spunk into her characters. In "Suekko," she is absolutely goofy and wonderful at the same time. I really enjoyed her in "Koi no Chikara" because she brought out the fun quirks of her character, Tohko. I found myself laughing whenever she was on screen, and most romantic comedies fail to get an actress who can do that! Go Fukatsu-san, go! *nin nin!*
Kitamura Kazuki [北村一輝]
KITAMURA KAZUKI also appears in "Tiger & Dragon" from 2005. He's mysterious, strong and downright eerie to watch on screen. Whether he's playing a yakuza knucklehead, deadbeat dad, phantom of death, or a shogun assistant, this man will give you chills he acts so well. @_@
Matsu Takako [松たか子]
Matsu Takako isn't my favorite singer, but she's certainly a gem on the screen in doramas. She always gives her characters some spice and punch, so go her!
Nakama Yukie [仲間由紀恵]
She has been in my favorite dramas and has a very lively character about her. Most importantly, she's not just a cute face without any talent. She can play all sorts of characters, and that's why I would vote her as an artist as opposed to a lot of other famous people out there who don't act, but just stand there and look cool.
Oda Yuji [織田裕二]
Can you blame me for the performances this man has given in classics such as "Tokyo Love Story," and "Odoru Daisousasen?" Didn't think so! Also loved his bumbling smile in all of his dramas--especially "Kane ga nai!" (I don't have money!")
Shinohara Ryoko [篠原涼子]
Her first roles showed her as the sidekick friend, bumbling and funny. As she grows into her own, Shinohara Ryoko has handled some of the most memorable roles of our favorite dramas. Her ability to bring out the humor in the most serious moments can be likened to Fukatsu Eri's talent.
Takenouchi Yutaka [竹野内豊]
A talented actor that isn't afraid to take on any role--you've got to love that! Oh, and the fact that many people would be willing to have his babies...^_^;
Tsutsumi Shinichi [堤真一]
His skills are always top-notch and he brings great presence to his work. I can't think of a drama he's in that I didn't like!
Watabe Atsuro [渡部篤郎]
Extremely good at becoming the character all the way through--with a boyish charm, too!

yume's dramas (173)
29-sai no Kurisumasu [29歳のクリスマス]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I thought this type of drama would be right up my alley because it reminded me of "Koi wa Tatakai" and "Koi no Chikara," but it turns out that by the end of the first episode I lost interest. The characters played are too stock and the story just of lagged me on. I might try to watch more--only to see if I am wrong--still seems boring though.
Ai Nante Irane Yo, Natsu [愛なんていらねえよ、夏]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Watabe and Hirosue absolutely shine! I couldn't believe how sexy Watanabe appeared in his insiduous, back-stabbing role! This drama really attests ���� the multiplicity of characters Hirosue and Watanabe can produce, and I really hope to see more of these challenging roles for Hirosue in the future!
Aijou Ippon! [愛情イッポン!]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
It gets this much because Matsuura Aya plays her character cutely and all the kids are just adorable--but the story is drier than Australian kangaroo jerky and too childish to ever get interesting.
Aikurushii [あいくるしい]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Akai Umei [赤い運命]
Anata no Tonari ni Dareka Iru [あなたの隣に誰かいる]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
This drama takes you for 3 spinning rides throughout its 10 episodes, the first 3 are mystery and wonder, the following 3 are feelings of creepiness and puzzle-solving, then the final 4 are all of that mixed in with intrigue, blood, violence and love! It had comedy, mystery, action and love--and it was even scary too! I highly recommend it!
Antique [アンティーク〜西洋骨董洋菓子店]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
From the first episode, you think it's going to be a funny and interesting story, but it pretty much stays on the same level of "Hmm, it might get interesting from here..." When it does get interesting, the following episode takes you back to the normal level. The end result is a let-down.
Ashita tenki ni naare [あした天気になあれ。]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
A little too sweet on the edges if you ask me. But it's nice to see more stories about single moms these days.
At Home Dad [アットホーム・ダッド]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I know it speaks true for the reality that is housewives who are trying to break into the business world again, but it really overstressed some stereotypical ideas; for example, the idea that woman instinctually are good at laundry etc, and the longer you do them, the more feminine you become. That was kind of annoying. But Abe Hiroshi is pretty cute in an apron, and I like the lady from Osero, so I let it slide, hahaha...
Attack No.1 [アタック No.1]

I can't wait till this drama comes out. Ueto Aya played a sports player in "Ace wo Nerae!" and this time around, knowing how good of an acting job she did before, I'm looking forward to seeing this comic-turned-drama series.
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Beach boys [ビーチボーイズ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I am not really sure what the point of this classic, cute, hotties-abundant drama was...but it's watchable if you like any of its famous cast: Hirosue, Sorimachi, or Takenouchi...
Beautiful life [ビューティフルライフ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Beautiful Life grabs you in and makes you really a part of the characters' triumphs and pains. Especially in the third episode, I think. The story is well told, and there is good closure to everything in the end. I also can say that it never gets too sappy sweet or generically heart-tugging sad. It's a perfectly made drama. Hence the 10.
Beginner [ビギナー]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
After rewatching this in depth, it's got the elements of mystery, comedy, lack of self-esteem turned motivation, and an underlining dating story. However, the bulk of this show is about law and about the desire to become a lawyer--sounds boring, right? BUT IT'S NOT. If you like figuring out cases and fast-paced thinking, go for this straight-forward drama.
Bengoshi no Kuzu [弁護士のくず]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Big Money! [ビッグマネー!〜浮世の沙汰は株しだい〜]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Who says that stocks can't be made into a fast-paced, entertaining drama? They did it in an American movie with G. Rabisi and they're doing it in a drama called Big Money! in Japan! Nagase Tomoya plays yet another quick-mouthed, young, listless guy looking for something to do, but the scenario of Big Money! is AT FIRST, different from his others, but quickly falls into the typical quick-mouthed, lackdaisical youth. By episode 3, you begin to see that Nagase is to be the hero with various too-staged scenarios of needy people and money. It's enjoyable except for that.
Bijo ka Yajuu [美女か野獣]
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
I can't bring myself to watch even half of the second episode. It's so boring....
Blackjack ni Yoroshiku [ブラックジャックによろしく]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
What an intense cast and first episode. I am still watching this gripping series. But I must admit, it's a bit too bloody for my normal tastes...
Boku dake no Madonna [僕だけのマドンナ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I thought this was going to be a great drama, but it was pretty standard love-story-ish. Takizawa always plays a guy who is talking over the acting, isn't he? Hahaha, always obsessed with some girl! Anyway, the first episode is great, but then I eventually wanted things to speed up.
Boku no Ikiru Michi [僕の生きる道]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
I like Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, but the theme song SO doesn't fit the mood or the style of this drama. That alone made it boring--and the real point of the story ended in episode one, I feel.
Boku no Mahou Tsukai [僕の魔法使い]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
SUPER CUTE! This is up my alley because it's hilariously unrealistic and cute! BUT...I really don't think the story is all that much�@better than a typical "switch minds/body" type feel. But the couple is SUPER CUTE!
Boku to Kanojo to Kanojo no Ikiru Michi [僕と彼女と彼女の生きる道]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
This has got to be the BEST drama Kusanagi Tsuyoshi has ever starred in, without a doubt! His character opens up a scary place in all of us--a place where one cannot love, moreover doesn't know how to or WANT to, their own child. It's not your typical frilly, happy, comedic drama about romance and some silly personal battle. This is about love and being human. Koyuki also shines. Must-See. Seriously.
Busu no Hitomi Koishiteru [ブスの瞳恋してる]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Casting Inagaki Goro as the super goodlooking screenwriter may have been a bit farfetched, but he plays a kind-hearted, handsome, successful screenwriter well so it's forgiven. So far as Miyuki (played by comedienne Morisanjuu's Tomoko?), she's an absolute delight to watch. I love how they didn't try to "create" someone "ugly" or "fat" and just let the character and casting speak for itself--not that she's an ugly woman, but by the standards set in this drama and society, she is, so all works well. In addition to that, the supporting cast is lively and interesting, and not just an array of pretty faces as seen in other dramas from the Spring 2006 season. The speed of the story seems a bit slow at first, but the pace eventually finds a good rhythm, leaving you full of anticipation by the end.
Byakuyakou [白夜行]
Dekichatta Kekkon [できちゃった結婚]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I have watched this so many times! There's always something going on and the story doesn't sag in any of the episodes, so you always have something to laugh at or get all "Aww" over! Abe Hiroshi, as usual, is a good laugh! And Hirosue is as realistic as ever.
Denchi ga kireru made [電池が切れるまで]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Talk about depressing.�@Not to mention the kids just annoy the heck out of me.�@Terminal illness�@is a reason to be down and out, but sometimes they deserve a good spanking.
Densha Otoko [電車男]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
A hilarious love comedy!!!
Dollhouse [ドールハウス]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Some fairly well-known actresses make their debut as ass-kicking undercover crime busters who once had their own experiences as criminals. The plot sounded interesting, the cast was good...the acting was slightly overdone (but when isn't it??)...but it was solid.......UNTIL it just started to become annoying that I knew what was going to happen in the end. If you like predictable and all too unreal action dramas, this might be for you. Oh, with dancing girls in cute outfits.
Dr. Koto Shinryojo [Dr.コトー診療所]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
It's too slow. There's just something about it that doesn't make me care about any of the characters. The doctor's character is so soft that I wanted to slap him around sometimes and say PULL IT TOGETHER, MAN! The only lively thing in the show was the old woman and the pissed off nurse. Other than that, the story doesn't stand out as an original accomplishment.
Dragon Zakura [ドラゴン桜]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
An interesting plot with some fairly good scenarios...but overall the ending was disappointing and the middle moments were lacking in UMPH.
Egao no Hosoku [笑顔の法則]
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
Obviously, I am an Abe Hiroshi fan, but I don't think this role challenged him in any new way. And to see Takeuchi Yuko play the same character YET again made me angry. The story is predictable, and the stories only GET WORSE as the drama progresses with no feeling of closure or a point at all. Ending in a handshake with Takeuchi and Abe, I have no clue what to think about this dud of a drama.
Engine [エンジン]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Fighting Girl [ファイティングガール]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Even knowing that it had bad reviews and that normally Fukada Kyoko can't act her way out of a bag, I still rented this. I wasted my precious money!!! This was about as interesting as picking lint from my toes--probably less interesting. The story feels as if it was written in 20 minutes by an amateur who saw one too many of Kyoko's bad dramas. She says the same line, "I want to be stronger, more and more stronger!" for absolutely no reason at times. I watched one episode and couldn't believe I wasted my time...but being the psycho that I am, I watched episode number two in which it got SLIGHTLY better. The plot is still draggy, but there are tiny, itsy bitsy cute moments with Sakaguchi Kenji (whom I adore) and Kyoko's acting isn't so blood-dripping-from-my-eyes-inducing anymore. So I bump it up to a 5.
Fire Boys [ファイアーボーイズ 〜め組の大吾〜]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I thought this was going to be a dud from when I first saw the commercial, and unfortunately, it kind of is. Following around Daigo and his various silly personal battles with being a super-great firefighter is, well...trivial. For people who like this kind of, "Me vs. The world!" mentality drama, it's perfect. As for me, I want a thicker plot and more characters I can relate to.
Food fight [フードファイト]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I like this drama because of Kusanagi actually; Fukada Kyoko barely does anything worth being excited over. The storylines are usually mainly the same, but somehow they managed to make it funny and cute because of the struggles of the children Kusanagi helps.
Friends [フレンズ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
For a former non-Fukada Kyoko fan, I have to say that Kyoko's performance wasn't AS bad as usual. In other words, the sugary sweet tone only pops up occasionally when they do close-ups of her face and she looks like she's staring into a goldfish bowl. The Korean and Japanese mix of style is well done. However, I cannot give it more than a 7 because there is very little chemistry between Kyoko's "Tomoko" and Wonbin's "Jihyun." At best, they seemed like friends. Perhaps that is because both truly don't speak the other's language or understand it, and as a result, never got comfortable with each other. Still, the story is an encouraging one and showed a definite truth about many Japanese youths' lack of sense of identity in respect to the world around them, and Asia. So I really recommend it for those reasons. "Tomoko" was a shining example and my first watch of Wonbin was heartwarming, he seems like a fine actor.
Fugoh Keiji [富豪刑事]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Fukada Kyoko is as cute as she wants to be. A real button. But her acting ability is an entirely different story. The supporting cast outshines the main character--and that makes a dud for a series. We'll see if gets better...
Fukigen na Jiin [不機嫌なジーン]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Still watching with bated breath. Absolutely hilarious. Reminiscent of great comedies with perfect timing such as TRICK, Gokusen, etc. Takeuchi shines like the star she is! Supporting cast is unbelievably good.
Furuhata Ninzaburo Season 2 [古畑任三郎 2]
Mystery dramas, the smart-talking man we all know and love, and a colorful cast of characters. Yay.
Fushin no toki [不信のとき]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Yonekura Ryoko plays the honest, devoted wife (a refreshing break from her nearly 3-year stint as a backstabbing, money-grubbing woman of the night) and Matsushita Yuki plays the mistress to the unbelievably adulterous husband. The drama's pace is perfect and the 45 minute episodes slip by so fast you long to know more at the end of each episode. Michiko (Yonekura) is so devoted as a housewife it's almost crushing to see her have no one to talk to, care about her, or even love her throughout the episodes that you almost want to jump into the screen. But it's good acting, don't worry. And the host mama (Matsushita) is convincing as a world-weary woman who just wants the simplicity of having the child of the man she loves. Sugita Kaoru plays the TERRIBLY nosey nextdoor neighbor/friendly acquaintance to Michiko all too well! The only thing to dislike about this show is that all of its characters are flawed (only Sugita's character doesn't commit adultery) and that it ends after 45 minutes~! A great, great show.
Fuufu [夫婦。]

Starring some of my favorite actresses (Kuroki and Katou), along with some good actors, sure enough to make me a happy camper on Sundays when it starts airing! :D
Gachi Baka ! [ガチバカ !]
Gal Cir [ギャルサ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Ganbatte Ikimasshoi [がんばっていきまっしょい]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Possibly a fun sports-y scenario with boring young actresses. Maybe if I were younger I could enjoy the mindlessness...but I can't.
Gokusen [ごくせん]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Nakama Yukie plays another wacky female role--but don't worry, she's not replaying the same character as Trick. Gokusen is a very well-written comedic drama. From the cover, and just some reviews, I really don't know what to expect, but I am so glad I watched it. People compare it to GTO because she's a rough-house teacher who teaches her students lessons--but I think this is better than GTO because there are an array of characters to like and while she does do the somewhat GTO-ish "save the world" bit, since this has a comedic touch, it never gets too annoying or sappy. I really love her character! It makes me want to be a teacher like that, hahaha.....
Gokusen Season 2 [ごくせん2]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
You couldn't go wrong with Gokusen 1...and you know you can't go wrong with Gokusen 2!!!! Nakama Yukie takes you back to High School with all the laughs, jersey gym suits, and much more! Loving it!
Good Luck !! [グッドラック!!]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
...pretty tame--I thought it was going to be more entertaining, but I am not forcing myself to watch it. Good acting, good eye-candy...boring story. *yawn*
GTO [麻辣教師]
Rating: 9/10
This is the classic that spawned so many teacher dramas, alright! And I know why! Onizuka-sensei is really kickass! And he's funny. Sure, there is no way one person can always be the hero and know the right things to say (which Onizuka initially never does, but eventually learns--so it is a little drama-esque), but we can have fun watching this light-hearted but kind of serious drama about the relation between students and faculty members.
H2~Kimi to itahibi [2〜君といた日々]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Cute. Cute. And did I say that it was cute? Can't wait to see how this manga-turned-drama progresses (as long as it's not another cheesy Ace wo Nerae!...which I actually liked, though...)
Hakoiri Musume! [ハコイリムスメ!]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
A very basic story about staying true to your heart. It had some flaws in that the story overstepped its bounds in terms of reality, and that it dropped characters in and out whenever it pleased for some really over-dramatic scene it needed, but it's occasionally funny and cute, so a 7.
Hakusen Nagashi~Yume miro goro sugitemo
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
A drama I am looking forward to because most made-for-tv specials starring these actors are amazing!...scratch that SNORE.
Haru to Natsu/Haru e Natsu [ハルとナツ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
A historical drama that is filled with talented actors and actresses. Its premise is very similar to a film made some years ago for an American audience about a Japanese picture-mail-bride. I am brought to tears at every emotional scene--splendidly made. The Portugese spoken by Imai Tsubasa is very shakey, but even he adds a good performance to this touching tale of love, the horror of war, family ties, and perserverance.
Haruka 17 [はるか 17]
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
An OK plot with bad episodes after another.
Hatsu Taiken [初体験]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Still watching it, have to say that it's got that womanly zing that "Koi no Chikara/Power of Love" had that made me love it. I was surprised to see such a character played by Mizuno Miki of all people--but the casting is good and fresh. The soundtrack sounds strikingly similar to a later drama, "Hakoiri Musume." Quickly becoming one of my top 5 Fave Love Dramas. :)
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Kimura Takuya...yet again the too cool guy? Good grief, can he ACT more than one character, or can they at least try to CHALLENGE him? Sheesh. I think it was just annoying so I couldn't finish the first episode without taking breaks...
Hikari to Tomo ni [光とともに]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
A drama about a family whose son is autistic and the daily struggles and battles of living with a disorder that is as enigmatic as the human brain itself. Shinohara Ryoko plays flawlessly a mother at her wits end but unwilling to give up. Yamaguchi Tatsuya plays the father who doesn't under autism; he plays a frustrated man very well. This drama has to be applauded for informing people about a condition that was previously thought to be stupidity or ornery behavior. The execution could often use work, however.
Hito ni Yasashiku [人にやさしく / 3ピース]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Cute if you like cheesy. It's too...........sitcom-y for me. Everyone is overacting, I feel....
Hitonatsu no Papa e [ひと夏のパパへ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
A pretty nice cast, but I wonder about Aya's skills in this one...
Home Drama [ホームドラマ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Dohmoto Tsuyoshi's acting gets better with the various roles he is challenged with (he will never play the bad guy anymore though, that's for sure). I've always like Yusuke Santamaria, too, and he doesn't let me down in Home Drama with powerful, solid acting (though his other perverted entertainment personality is questionable, haha). A sad story about various people from different walks of life brought together by a tour bus tragedy which ripped the people they loved out of their life, but from it they formed their own new family...the only downside is that the episodes sometimes drag. And the director chose a very annoying blue filter for the camera lens that succeeded in only making my TV harder to watch without my eyes turning sore...it didn't make my mood any different, just my eyes one step closer to blind. For that, it gets a 7.
Honto ni atta Kowaiwa [ほんとにあった怖い話]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
A continuation program of "Honto ni atta Kowai Hanashi" (Kowaiwa is a typo), Goro and the kids come back with their scary stories and funny side comments--to me anyway. Some of the stories are scarier than before, perhaps, but don't change that much. It's cute, slightly scary fun. To me, it's no spookier than TRICK, but it had my friend hiding her face for every story they showed! So maybe it is scarier this season?! Yay!
Hontou ni Atta Kowai Hanashi [ほんとにあった怖い話]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
This is not a drama, in the slightest, simply a children's show of scary stories comparable to the North American, "Are you afraid of the dark?" except that Goro sits with around 6 children and evaluates the 'real' scary story that they've just watched. I like ghost stories, and I like the reaction of the children. It's not the least bit scary, but it is cute and fun to watch.
Hotman [ホットマン]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Sorimachi plays a different type of character here, which is refreshing. The girl who plays his daughter is cuteness wrapped in a sugar-breaded roll!! The supporting cast provide a happy, family-viewable, pleasantly put-together drama. Hotman 2 is coming out soon, can't wait!
Hotman Season 2 [ホットマン2]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Possibly cheesier than its predecessor, but with a lot more focus on the daughter, which is good, because she's adorable and fun to watch. If possible, Sakamachi is at his CHEESIEST ever. That's why it gets a six, it all feels overacted.
Ichi Ritoru no Namida [1リットルの涙]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Based upon a true story, this drama is written eloquently and heartwarmingly. The quotes at the end are encouraging for us to live life to the fullest. The characters around Aya, the main lead with the disease, are fleshed out and given purpose, which makes this drama all the more touching.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park [池袋ウエストゲートパーク]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
This has got to be the only drama I 100% couldn't believe I was so fortunate to see! It doesn't wind down until the very very second of the last episode! It deals with serious issues like violence, drugs, sex (hooker bars, high school "prostitutes"), post-high school life, and gangs but it's never preach-y. If anything, it's a straight look at a fictional story about all of those things in Japan, with some comedy thrown in. This is definitely an entertaining show, from beginning to end--I wanted more, but it's an "ikenai koto."
Ima Ai ni Yukimasu [いま会いにゆきます]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Perhaps a bit slow when put into drama form. There are too many questions left open that could've been looked over in the 2-hour movie form. And it's very hard to see Hiroki as a father, a lot moreso than Mimura, anyway. The acting was good, but some of it felt forced...
Iryu [医龍 Team Medical Dragon]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Itoshi Kimie [愛し君へ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
The combination of Kanno Miho and Fujiki Naohito is a grand idea in this beautiful, painful love-story. I just don't like how it started out from a horrible tragedy of Fujiki going blind in the first episode. He is a selfish bastard, but Kanno Miho, of course, sees through all of that fake exterior and sees the real caring person he is. That's what I liked about it...that chemistry they had. Hence the 8. Also, it's darned depressing, too.
Itsumo futari de [いつもふたりで]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
After having re-watched it a second time, I really fell in love with this drama! Matsu and Sakaguchi are absolutely hilarious in the first episodes! Matsu really is in her element with this type of character--but she doesn't make it like she's played it before. And I will say it again: Sakaguchi is a good actor--SO versatile, it's refreshing! :D The final episodes start to sag a bit though. The story has a lot of funny jokes in it, I guess that's the compensation! Solid drama.
Jyoou no Kyoushitsu [女王の教室]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Superb child acting AT ITS BEST. Wonderful plot and plenty of twists! The emotion that comes out of these kids, especially the main character, Kazumi, is AMAZING. A must-watch for any fan of teacher vs. kids-like dramas!!! One of the best dramas of the 2005 Summer season!
Kabachitare! [カバチタレ!]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
A drama about the conditions many women face--to the point of extremity at times--and standing up for yourself and your life. Tokiwa and Fukatsu are hilarious, and the drama is a light-hearted one with a heavy topic. I like the funny moments best, of course--but that doesn't save the drama as a whole. The story doesn't progress. If you like crazy antics, this is OK. Not these actors' best drama, but they all did well.
Kamisama mou sukoshi dake [神様、もう少しだけ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Fukada Kyoko was given a role that stood apart from her previous cutesy, candy-sugar-coated characters and shined more than I thought! A serious drama that keeps you watching. It is ashame her later works turned out to be disappointing, especially since her start seemed so promising with a challenging role.
Kanojotachi no jidai [彼女たちの時代]
Rating: 2/10 (Watched)
Still watching...but there are a lot of my fave actors in this one (namely Fukatsu and Mizuno) so I will give it a try. Still, try as I might, this is unbelievably boring. The overabundance of Backstreet Boys songs that DO NOT FIT at all with the mood of the drama make it hard to bare. The only tune that doesn't seem out of place is Backstreet Boys' "I want it that way" that is played instrumentally by a tinkling string--it's sweet. Though, it is not enough to save the boring plot. It's good that Mizuno and Fukatsu were able to get better roles after this, though. Thank goodness!
Kao [顔]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Still watching. I like Nakama Yukie--but boy does she have a Bad-Hair-Day written all over her in some scenes.
Kegareta Shita [汚れた舌]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Kimi ga omoi de ni Naru Mae ni [君が想い出になる前に]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Not an unusual drama, but it's enjoyable to watch the main female lead not realize she is falling for her deceased sister's husband and forming a new family with him and his son. Katou Ai is as cute as a button, but her character will put pins in your back if you don't like deceiving little hussies. Sorry for the language, haha.
Kimi wa Petto [きみはペット]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
This an absolutely adorable drama with the right touch of wit to make it a keeper! I love Koyuki even more, and the new face who plays 'Momo' is making a way into my drama-heart! :D It is a very solid romantic comedy with an awesome set, I might add.
Kisarazu Cat's Eye [木更津キャッツアイ]
Am I the only one who notices how a large portion of this wacky cast also appears in "Ikebukuro West Gate Park?" It's not particularly a bad thing, but it makes me expect more of this story and its actors.
Koi ga shitai Koi ga shitai Koi ga shitai [恋がしたい恋がしたい]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
I love this mainly because of Kanno Miho--she is absolutely adorable in her clumsy, listless, daydreaming role! She is the kind of average good girl you like to see get the guy! The stories are all so intertwined that you never miss a character in the show at all, and you get so involved in their lives. I started rooting for all sorts of scenarios in this drama, but the end result is really a realistic and happy one. That is why I like it so much! realistic AND happy!
Koi ni Ochitara ~Boku no Seikou no Himitsu~ [恋におちたら〜僕の成功の秘密〜]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Koi no Chikara [恋ノチカラ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I remember vaguely getting into this drama back before I learned Japanese and it was airing on TV. But now that I understand Japanese, haha, it's all the more charming! i love Fukatsu Eri's character, and I love the flow of the story. This drama is KANPEKI! ^_^ I watch it over and over again, and the jokes are still funny and "Toko" is just as endearing as when she first appeared on the screen munching chips and sipping wine!
Koi wa Tatakai [恋は戦い!]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
The cast is interesting and colorful, and yet.....you can see what is coming from a mile away. But it has it's funny parts.
Koibumi [恋文~私たちが愛した男]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
This is the first time I've seen something like this--guy leaves the wife he loves to pretend to be single because of an ex-girlfriend who is dying and he wants to make her last days happy, as she has no family or friends but him. My only problem is that everyone is crying all the damn time, or accidents happen that have nothing to do with our main story. I know they wanted to add in other things, but they weren't fluid enough. They happened and one episode later had no result that really mattered.
Koishite Shinitai [恋して死にたい]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Someone please remove the excessive sugar out of the cup of tea that is Fukada Kyoko. Seriously.
Konna koi no hanashi [こんな恋のはなし]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Just another drama to add to my collection that proves that the 90s had some good stories! It has a lot of good characters which you grow to like immediately in the first episode. I know how it's going to turn out, and yet I still am dying to watch it!
Koori no sekai [冰の世界]
Kou kou kyoushi [高校教師]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
It is a very blunt and flat look at high school girls and their crushes on their male teachers. At times, I felt as if it was written by a pervert who had fantasies of high school teen girls, what with all the ridiculous lines about having to see her homeroom teacher, and feeling so from the bottom of her heart? Oh, give me a break! It paints a very scary picture of an overstepped line between teacher and student. While possibly aiming at realism, it comes off as crude.
Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003 [高校教師 2003]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
This drama really pushes the limits, but tells a frank story, concerning teachers and love relationships between their students. From my point of view, I really think teen girls chasing after their teachers at 14 is weird, a crush isn't unusual, but such ardent lust freaked me out, haha. Other than that, the acting is superb and not to be missed if one can stand the idea of such relationships. Better than the predecessor perhaps.
Kowloon de Aimashou [九龍で会いましょう]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Simply put? Feels cheap, man, feels cheap.
Kurokawa no techou [黒革の手帖]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Extremely gripping so far about embezzlement, the "night entertainment" world, and the drive that forces us to succeed monetarily over our opponents. Yonekura is gorgeous as the mama of a hostess club!
Last Christmas [ラストクリスマス]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Oda Yuji makes a come back in a romance drama after his first many years ago in, "Tokyo Love Story." By the same guy who wrote the first, at that. There are some strange moments when Oda's character, Haruki, says the EXACT same lines to the love interest in Last Christmas from Tokyo Love Story. Also, Tokyo Love Story's idea is that he falls for the bright, spunky love right before his eyes--after a long, long time. Same with Last Christmas. If you liked Tokyo Love Story--try it set in 2004! The supporting cast is more interesting this time around, too.
Long vacation [ロングバケーション]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Again, with the like of Kimura Takuya, Takenouchi Yutaka, and Matsu Takako, how can you go wrong? This drama shines out as an original, funny and touching story about surprises, friendship and of course, L-O-V-E. This drama is one you should watch if you like watching dramas at all. It's a must-see. Can't divulge more than that!
Lunch no Joou [ランチの女王]
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
I tried soooo hard to like it, but the story was just boring. Somehow, it just never got interesting, no matter what they did--even the typical drama-romance-y things were boring. Too bad for Takeuchi and Tsumabuki because I like them!
M no Higeki [Mの悲劇]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Inagaki Goro proves his acting skills in M no Higeki (The Tragedy of M). It also has it moments of humor that make me want to continue on with this series.
Machiben [マチベン]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Magari Kado no Kanojyo [曲がり角の彼女]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Majo no jouken [魔女の条件]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
To be honest, I didn't want to watch this because I thought it would be a typical adult-high schooler love story with the female/male roles switched--but it's quite different. The first episode is probably one of the most jampacked first episodes I've seen in awhile--laughter, tears, love, friendship, bravery, etc. There also great cameramanship at work here (is that a word?). I thought I would want to buy this, but I have changed my mind. As the episodes progressed, it became a little too much for me to handle Matsushima Nanako corrupting the 17-year-old student. The reality is that he is 17 and she is nearly 30. To pressure him into a relationship seemed really out of line to me.
Manatsu no Merry Christmas [真夏のメリークリスマス]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
What a whirlwind, well-intertwined, quick-paced, humurous first episode! After 5 minutes I couldn't peel my eyes from the screen. I had avoided this title because I thought it sounded boring, and I only knew that I liked Takenouchi's acting, so I wasn't willing to risk it...but I am glad I finally did! The chemistry between the two leads is perfect and a great comic relief. Kato Ai also sparkles as young as she may be. Overall, I am captured with the good storytelling that makes each episode pass in a heartbeat--it really makes me want more!
Manhattan Love Story [マンハッタン ラブストーリー]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
An absolutely hilarious, fast-paced drama about a big, fat love octagon! The character to watch is Nobuko, whose solos stand out to shining perfection.
Medaka [めだか]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Minna Mukashi wa Kodomo Datta [みんな昔は子供だった]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Couldn't push myself to be interested.....
Mother and Lover [マザー&ラヴァー]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Moto Kare [元カレ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
The acting is good, but the plot just gets frustrating because of the characters' lack of common sense! (>_<) The side-love stories are mildly interesting, but could've been better.
Mukodono! [ムコ殿/女婿大人]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
A solidly amusing story with new battles to be tackled every episode. It never gets totally boring, but it never gets extremely, psychotically good either. Nagase Tomoya and Takeuchi Yuko have the cutest chemistry though!
Musashi [武蔵]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I, at first, thought it was a boring story, until I couldn't change the channel one day because I was glued to it! Even though you always think Musashi is going to win, you find you might be wrong. I really got emotional when someone close to him died! It made the story realistic, so I definitely enjoyed it more. Everyone did a great job, of course.
My Little Chef
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Almost as boring as every single other drama about food out there!! I wish Japanese would stop m aking these sometimes...
Mystery Minzoku Gakusha Yakumo Itsuki [ミステリー民俗学者八雲樹]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I really like the Oikawa, he always brings some sort of delicate, sweet humor to his work...but, this late-night show has yet to prove itself more than a cheap, dreary copy of TRICK.
Narita Rikon [成田離婚]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I've just gotten my hands on this drama I have been dying to see for almost 2 years. So far, I like their roles--and the constant bickering isn't so bad yet. Kusanagi--I love it when he played the meek guy!
Nemureru mori [眠れる森]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
The first two episodes grab your attention and put you in the mood for a great mysterious drama! And then in the third one, you begin to wonder what the point of the story is anymore? Half way into the 12 episodes, you really question whether the drama is ever going to shine light on ANYTHING. The ending is the typical "I didn't expect this person to be the murderer, therefore he obviously must be the murderer!" kind of ending. Kimura Takuya is, yet again, the too cool badass boy. Could've been better, the story is too slow and the cliffhangers are annoying moreso than thrilling.
Ns' Aoi [Ns’ あおい ]
Nurse no oshigoto Season 4
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
I'm still in the beginning of it, but I find it a little bit...dull and overacted.
Nyokei Kazoku [女系家族]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
A wonderful premise gone awry for some odd reason. The hatefulness and pure evilness of the sisters makes you not want to watch--and the mysterious man in care of the will and its affairs...it was hard to figure out, very frustrating.
Odoru Daisousasen [踊る大捜査線]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
It's a good fantasy action. I use the word fantasy because most of these things have 0% potential of actually happening in Japan (the excessive gun usage, for example, ahem ahem).
Ohsama no resutoran [王樣のレストラン]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Boring. I tried, but boring. I don't like films or dramas that take place for an hour in one room, it just bothers me--with the exception of the movie, "12 Angry Men."
Oishii puropozu [おいしいプロポーズ]
Rating: 3/10 (Watched)
One wonders how Hasekyo and Koide Keisuke got paired in what is obviously a horrible drama matchmaking. Koide exudes little aura when next to Hasegawa Kyoko, who seems to be preoccupied with herself and the fact that her love interest co-star appears to be more of a brother than a potential boyfriend! Koide shined in his high school roles, and perhaps playing the main lead for a romantic comedy as the younger guy was a bad move on his agency's part? Furthermore, the script bleeds with boredom with only standard "love drama" tricks to peek viewer interest once every 2 episodes. Hasegawa Kyoko in a beautiful ball gown, Hasegawa Kyoko and her super adorable 'street/beach/casual styled clothing', Hasegawa Kyoko and her stubborn personality--all things we've grown accustomed to from Hasekyo's previous performances. Her character as a chef is flat, dull and uninspiring. Even "My Little Chef" was more entertaining and that was barely a blip on the charts. Nishimura Masahiko's acting talent is wasted in this Sunday night filler drama--he definitely didn't need this on his acting resume...And dear, dear Saeko. Since she hasn't had that many roles, let alone had many where her character needed to be changed, I suppose I'll let that slide. She was about the only breath of fresh air in the drama, but unfortunately overly sweetened. If you're not a fan of any of these actors, stay away.
Okane ga nai! [お金がない!]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
To be honest, I expected less of this drama--but I was in for a surprise! The story grabs you and you just can't stop watching it! While exaggerated, you can feel what it's like not to have all your desires fulfilled. The ending theme song is great and upbeat. In addition to that, there's a COLORFUL array of characters for anyone to like. The writer of this drama had a knack for creating personalities, I think. While the whole drama is fairly not plausible, the final episode struck me as a bit unrealistic, but more realistic than a happily ever after ending--so that's why it's a 9. YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS!
Okusama wa Majo [奥さまは魔女]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
It's cute, it's colorful and slapstick funny. It's Bewitched...in Tokyo...only less acceptable at times. The original "Bewitched," for me, was enjoyable because it was corny and made in a time when corny wasn't corny. But for it to be done again in 2004 is well...pushing it. Occasionally I think it's cute, at other times, I couldn't care less what happens to Arisa or Jyoji. The one thing that keeps me watching is the fantastic interior of their apartment and Arisa's cute outfits. I hate Arisa's mother more than the original version too. She's just TOO convincing of being annoying.
Omiai kekkon [お見合い結婚]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Matsu Takako at her finest as an upbeat and determined girl who doesn't feel like getting married at the moment since she has had such horrible luck with dating. Yusuke Santamaria and Matsu Takako have great chemistry and the story only gets funnier as time goes on. The last episode is really when I sighed and smiled. It was great! This is a must-see.
Only you aisarete
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I don't get what makes him so "mentally disabled" as he is labeled in this drama, but I found it to be a very basic drama about falling in love with the person who loves you most. Though the stalking was a little bit too much to handle and too easily overlooked.
Ooku [大奥]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Ooku is a really well-made for TV historical compared to the the TRILLIONS that are out in Japan--seriously. I used to think only China and Korea out in Japan had such a fixation on cheesy period movies, but Japan has them too--fortunately, Ooku is not one of them! Ooku features top-star actors in that they're all VERY talented. The set and wardrobe is better than some movies. The story also progresses in a lovely pace. I would buy it!
Ooku Dai-ishou [大奧第一章]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Ooku, it just pulls ya in
Orange Days [オレンジデイズ]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
The lead actors all have an unbelievably good bond that goes well with the theme of youthful days full of friendship. In addition, Tsumabuki and Shibasaki also give a portrayal of a cute, sometimes annoying, but always full-hearted young love. The story, however, is loosely related to "Aishiteiru to Ittekure," another drama about a deaf character with a huge chip on his shoulder. In Orange Days, that selfish person is played by a girl. Still, it had unbelievably cute scenes that compare to no other drama, hence the 9.
Otona no Natsu Yasumi [大人の夏休み]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Snore, snore. I usually like dramas like this, but this one sort of told a boring story about a 30+something wife who wants to open up a restaurant. Nothing catches you and surprises you in this boring drama...Though, the acting is just fine.
Otousan [おとうさん]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Same father from Oyaji, and toned down a little. The story never caught my eye in any part really. It seemed too predictable, I guess.
Over Time [オーバー・タイム]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I watched this in 1999, but I still remember that it had an excellent way with cliffhangers and sentimentalities.
Oyaji~ [オヤジぃ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I have watched this sooo many times! It is hilarious! The father is played by the perfect guy for the part. You really feel like this bunch is a family because they all interacted so well. And at first, I thought his wife was his daughter she looked so young O_O;;! Anyway, I like how the story of love isn't forced out on all the characters. It's a drama that relies more on developing the characters than developing love situations.
Pride [プライド]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Someone please stop making Kimura the "cool" guy with too much time on his hands. The first episode, sitting through his nonchalant and cool air wasn't so bad--it was cute because he wanted to pick up Takeuchi Yuko. After that, I started to get annoyed. The hockey bit isn't as interesting as I thought either. Not to mention how unexpectedly annoying it gets to hear Kimura say, "Maybe / Must be" every other scene--good god, please stop. However, THERE ARE SOME REDEEMING FACTORS in this drama: an outstanding supporting-male cast, unbelievably adorable gestures made between the two lovebirds, and it's well-shot. For that, I'd say PRIDE is good to watch if you've got nothing else to do.
Primadam [プリマダム]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Rasuto Purezento [ラストプレゼント 〜娘と生きる最後の夏〜]
Initially interesting until EVERYTHING had to be kept this big secret and overdramatized but the protagonist was a mom who left her little girl only now to want to be with her in her near death. Though, her "kohai" was a cutie, so I occasionally tuned in ^^;
Renai Hensachi [恋愛偏差値]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
An outstanding 9 for a gripping plot and believable characters. Just when you think our first main character, Reiko, has a life that can't get any worse or convoluted--enter more plot twists. It's the dirty grit of the battles, squables, and in-betweens of love and work. Okada also plays Reiko's male best friend EXTREMELY well. I'd recommend this drama for a thrill in seeing good, emotional acting about love that isn't always clean-cut and pretty.
Rikon Bengoshi Season 2 [離婚弁護士II〜ハンサム ウーマン〜]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
rinbukyoku [輪舞曲]
Saigo no koi [最後の恋]
Saiyuuki [西遊記 ]
Satomi Hakenden [里見八犬伝]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Seikei Bijin [整形美人。]
Yonekura Ryoko is an absolute doll and an unexpected comedian in this drama.
Shininin no onna bengoshi [7人の女弁護士]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Shiroi Kyoto [白い巨塔]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
*snore snore*
Shomuni Final [ショムニ ファイナル/庶務二課]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
This drama puts Esumi in an unbelievably corny and comedic role that--while she can pull off--somehow makes you feel annoyed. It's a little too slapstick for me. I am never sure if I really want to continue watching till the end of an episode. I don't think any of it's too funny.
Shota no sushi [将太の寿司]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I thought that this might be a real dud of a drama because it's about, well, SUSHI! I was sure it'd be full of sappy lines and overdramatic scenes--which it is--but it has a redeeming factor of cuteness and a funny cast to make it enjoyable enough. Shota doesn't show much character to me in the first episode, but when he goes to Tokyo, you can feel all sorts of things awaiting! I am stilll watching this...
Slow Dance [スローダンス]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
There isn't a single drama in which Fukatsu Eri isn't a goddess! Now that she's back into acting--and in the main spotlight--nothing can go wrong. This drama is a bit slow--hence Slow Dance--but every agonizingly cliffhanger episode is worth it. Great soundtrack, too.
Sono ki ni naru made [その氣になるまで]
Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi [空から降る一億の星]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Still watching this drama, but I have to say the first episode did very little to interest me. Why? I have no idea where the drama is going--what is the point? I didn't get anything vaguely resemblant of a purpose until the VERY last minute of the first episode. 3 episodes into it, and we finally begin to see the mysterious case unfolding--the scars from being burnt on Fukatsu and Kimura are only vaguely interesting. I want to know more about the police case--but this drama goes at an agonizingly slow rate--just like Nemureru Mori/Sleeping Forest.
Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni... [それは、突然、嵐のように…]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I expected to enjoy this drama thorougly, but the only thing I really enjoyed at first was the set of the characters' homes. The story took awhile to capture my attention. The whole dancing young boy and career woman fall in love in a dance studio bit--um, wait, WHAT? Other than that, it has its moments, I guess. A spin on forbidden love--but with a twist. Won't say what, else I spoil it.
Stalker nigikirenu ai
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
It's super scary how much Watanabe becomes his character! And even scarier how the woman being stalked doesn't realize she shouldn't try to be nice to a man who is stalking her!!! Overall, it is a real look at the stalking culture that is part of the modern world, and how people often overlook dangerous behavior as flattery.
Star no Koi [スタアの恋]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Do famous people really live in such a different world from non-famous people that they cannot love the same? This drama tries to answer this question. At first I hated the star, Hikaruko, who is pretty selfish and bland, but when more was revealed, I came to like her and hope for their love. Kusanagi, as usual, plays an excellent nice guy, hahaha.
Strawberry on the shortcake [ストロベリー・オンザ・ショートケーキ]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Fukada Kyoko's voice or Takizawa Hideaki's annoying situation--I don't know which was more annoying?? Her character was too sugar-sweet and wide-eyed, and Takizawa's character was too lonely and pathetic. The side love story of the teacher and her pupil shines more than the main one, I think.
Suekko chounan ane san nin [末っ子長男姉三人]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
This drama has a simple storyline about a man who is 25 (played by Okada) and a woman who has just turned 30 (played by Fukatsu Eri--perpetually playing the "scary 30 year old woman") who end up falling in love and decide to get married. While their story is pretty standard and slightly interesting, the surrounding stories of Okada's siblings and mother isn't all that great. However, there are plenty of cute moments with the couple (their meeting in the first episode is THE cutest thing ever, I just died!), and other funny scenes to bump this drama's cool quotient!
Summer snow
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
It has a lot of deep issues such as teen pregnancy, adult responsibility and death...but somehow, I feel that it didn't grab me in enough to care deeply for all the characters...until now. The first 5 episodes did very little to me, but now that I have continued to watch it, Summer Snow really is well done. Dohmoto made me laugh, but Hirosue's character is perpetually doing really stupid crap or whining. The ending might be expected for some people...
Suna No Utsuwa [砂の器]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Nakai plays a beautiful, yet haunting character in Suna no Utsuwa--while the heezing of his voice when he gets worked up in the first episode may seem annoying, it all the more makes the character realistic. It's a very REAL mystery drama. To add to this, the scenery compliments the dark, almost romantically sad beat of the story--it's all very eye-pleasing. After watching Nakai for 10 minutes in this drama, I've come to a firm resolution that he is more suited for acting than singing.
Taika no Kaishin [大化の改新]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Some of the acting was too sweet to be believable...
Teru Teru Ashita [てるてるあした]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Tiger & Dragon [タイガー&ドラゴン]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Tokyo Love Story [東京ラブストーリー]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
90s Japanese dramas really knew what they were doing. The story is a classic friend-at-first-but-soon-want-to-be-your-girlfriend one, but because of the basic nature and the cute twists, you really like it. Though I have to say the ending wasn't what I wanted...but it made it work somehow.
Tokyo Wankei [東京湾景]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Nakama Yukie plays her character well along side a good leading male. However, the story of Zainichi--or Korean Japanese--is often cut of up into too-well-defined boxes leaving out the diversity of the Zainichi--Korean Japanese--experience. Taking it as a love-story drama riding on the wings of the success of "Winter Sonata" (a Korean drama that was and IS still unbelievably successful in Japan), it has some cute twists to it. But if you're a fan of Korean dramas, you will not find this in anyway exciting or new probably. It's very typical of Korean dramas, and follows that format almost [i]religiously[/i].
Top Caster [トップキャスタ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
I had big expectations for this drama, and unfortunately, they aren't being fulfilled...but Amami Yuki is as entertaining as ever. I think the script and some casting should have been readjusted, however.
Trick [トリック]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
TRICK--a drama for those who're sick of the typical lovey-dovey, over-serious dramas out there! If you're into magic, engimas and a cheesy laugh, you ought to watch this! Abe Hiroshi and Nakama Yukie will crack you up...and the slew of oddball characters will have you on the edge of your seat trying to crack the riddle before our hilarious duo does!
Trick Season 2 [トリック2]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
TRICK2, yet again, lives up to its reputation of comedy, mystery and puzzling enigmas. This season's theme is "smack on the forehead!" Once again, the characters' lives and personalities do not progress, just the outcome of the mysteries they solve. If you can live with that kind of sitcom-ish reality, TRICK and TRICK2 is for you!
Trick Season 3 [トリック3]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Seeing Yamada Naoko's (Nakama Yukie) emotions in a more realistic light in the end of this season, TRICK3 is a bit more touching than its predecessors. You also wish that the author would progress the characters' lives a bit more, and stop recreating the same "Ueda-visits-Yamada-randomly-and-they-go-on-an-adventure" scenario. Other than, it delivers what we love TRICK for!
Umizaru [海猿]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Unfair [アンフェア]
Visual Battle Season 2
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Full-out�@slapstick comedy. It's cute, but occasionally the first episodes got too cheesy so they were hard to bear. Odagiri Joe plays well with the main character of Sarina though, they had a hilarious scene together.
Wakamono no subete [若者のすべて]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I watched one episode and lost interest. It just doesn't feature a solid enough story outside of the typical to pull me in.
Water Boys [ウォーターボーイズ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I tried to watch it because I like Miyaji Mao, but it's just not interesting to me, even though people love it, I guess. Maybe because I am not in High School anymore?
Water Boys Season 2 [ウォーターボーイズ2]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Wedding Planner [ウエディングプランナー]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Still watching, but pretty cute so far. I love Yusuke Santamaria!!!!!!! He's an awesome actor�ˁI
Yamato Nadeshiko [やまとなでしこ【大和撫子】]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Well-acted and very, very, very beautifully done so far as interior designing, etc. goes! You really get into Sakurako's outfits and stuff, haha! The story also proves a nice point that love isn't all about money and common sense.
Yan Papa [やんパパ]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
It's an interesting story! And you really begin to root on our lovely YANPAPA beause you want him to do his best to take care of his new kids, who try despise him all the way. You really wonder if there is such a young man out there these days??? Nagase Tomoya, always playing the man girls love! BUT dropped to a 5 because the ending is horrible, I hated it!
Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru [ヤンキー母校に帰る]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
It's like a GTO, only with more evil kids and a more lively faculty staff. You can get into it, but the first episodes were better than the ending ones. You will definitely find yourself wanting to beat these obnoxious kids up though, they were SAIAKU. Seriously! It almost made me not want to watch them, haha!
Yaoh [夜王〜YAOH〜]
Yoisho no Otoko [ヨイショの男]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Yoomigaeri [黄泉がえり]
Rating: 8/10 (Bought & Watched)
Yomigaeri has the classic underlining theme of live with no regrets. A town's deceased come back to the living who wished, in their hearts, that their beloveds would come back--sons, mothers, siblings, and lovers. Its element of fantasy and reality are well-mixed, but it's not anything spectacular. A sweet and painful story that should please you, but don't go looking for a deep, thought-provoking tearjerker. It's just a solid movie, with good casting and a good soundtrack.
Yoshitsune [義経]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
The way the story is told is nicely done with the narration and flashbacks. The child actors are even top-level, considering that Japan has low quality standards for its Japanese child actors because of their time constraints made by law. However, Yoshitsune is doing a good job there! Sadly, there seems to be emotion lacking in some of the characters, and a lot of the story seems hurried at first, it's got one full year, so I hope it moves better than it did in the first ep!

yume's drama reviews (1)
Ai Nante Irane Yo, Natsu [愛なんていらねえよ、夏]
hirosue pulls through [Rating: 10/10]
hirosue pulls off a well-done, believable performance. moreover, i think this is definitely a credit to the types of characters she can play, based on the fact that she wasn't exactly a bubbly or sweet girl immediately in this dorama. also, the tension that builds up is amazing between the two main leads. this one has heart, it's a must-see!


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