Synopsis |
Michima Shin (Noda Yojiro) is a struggling novelist. He has been happily living under the same roof with five mysterious beauties (Fukushima Rila, Matsui Rena, Wagatsuma Miwako, Takeda Rena, Araki Yuko ) who range from their teens to 30s since six months ago. They give him a huge sum of 1 million yen a month as rent and living expenses for this rather bizarre living arrangement. There are several cohabitation rules and he is forbidden from asking them any questions. Then one day, an incident happens to Shin that causes everything to break down... | JDrama Weblog |
Comments From Users (3) |
!!WARNING!! This section may contain spoilers! Do not proceed if you do not want to read about this drama's endings and plots!
| 1. | Comments by EstherM [Rating: 7/10] Upon a mysterious invitation, five women show up at Shin's house and they become roomies. Shin is troubled and mildly depressed but he slowly opens up and builds relationships with the girls/women, who are not what they seem at first glance. There's a mystery element as well. You have to be willing to suspend disbelief and certain questions are never fully answered but Shin's journey is interesting to observe. And the women who help him grow are not merely foil but nicely fleshed out (as much as it's possible in a short drama). | 2. | Comments by Shachihoko [Rating: 7/10] This is an interesting drama about a poor novelist who is suddenly get 5 women as his roommates in his own home and each one of them paying 1,000,000 yen per month for the rent. He have no clue where these women are from and why they decided to live in his own home. As the story continues on, you will be hooked on this. I'm still wondering where he is getting a random hateful faxes from the fax machine everyday. Why not just unplug that stupid thing? Lol | 3. | Comments by DoramaOnna [Rating: 4/10] Four out of ten. |