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  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:41 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
someone want to tell me how to download the video on the main page of Uety Cafe. It used to work... odd.. http://www.uety-cafe.com/index_en.html

Sango: It's possible they might put the video up for ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:09 am   Subject: Ueto Aya

She must be poor, rofl rofl

According to the story, Aya will play an extremly poor girl who attends a first-class university and at the same time joins a small stage-play group called &quo ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:06 am   Subject: Ueto Aya

Dude, at least give us a hint... argh!

Treasure hunting really is not my game. Orz...


Ok, forget my stupidity. I did get the hint from "the other side."

Just type in the Janpanes ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:57 am   Subject: Ueto Aya

DANG I'M GOOD!!!! I found the page in just 1 minute of looking at the site!!! it's called the Other Side and it comes equiped with some funny extra vids and it's own special section which isnt up ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:57 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
The offical site of Attention Please said that the "secret entrance" has opened.
I have no idea where it is after spending some crazy time blindly clicking all over the site. Bang Head

Anyone ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:21 pm   Subject: Ueto Aya
That's strange, vlc comes with its own bunch codecs, there's no logic I to have sound and you don't Head Scratch

I re-download the film from emule and VLC works
correctly with video and sound th ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:51 am   Subject: Ueto Aya

@Jater: My download is not even finished, but I was able to open the file with VLC media player, seems like everything is in order, video runs and Aya is in it.

Oooh~~ Thank you so much! boris th ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:28 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
About puzzle@emule - I made a search for "uetoaya puzzle", here is the eD2K link to the file that I'm downloading:

ed2k://|file|%E4%B8%8A%E6%88%B7%E5%BD%A9(Ueto.Aya).-.[uetoaya.film ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:18 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
I'm seeding this episode now Victory! Peace!

Roppongi! Thank you so much!. Dancing I am at 91% now, and as promised, I'll stay online for a week if anyone needs this episode. Victory! Peace!

  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:16 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
Here's some subs for an episode of Matthew's Best Hit TV with Aya as a guest, dated 28th July 2004. Big thanks to Roppongi for the translation Applaud

http://s38.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1I8MYFCK6 ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:37 pm   Subject: Ueto Aya
Gosh, I finally finished all 490 pages of this thread! Took me almost a month! Nut But I also realized that I have missed so many goodies...gar... Shameful Cry

Could someone please upload "Mat ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:12 pm   Subject: Ueto Aya
Here is a picture when aya was still with Z-1


I think it was taken at Tokyo Univ. in 2001.

  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:55 pm   Subject: Ueto Aya
Here is the CDTV Aya Ueto vs. Sonim show w00t!

Roppongi, Bow

Thank you so much! Applaud I am downloading it. Victory! Peace! I had had power failure for the past 3 hours in my APT and I ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402550

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:33 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
w00t! Hi all,

I've been trying to go through all the 470+ posts in this threads (still not finished). Shameful Cry It's amazing that aya has so many goodies. Dancing

Thanks to all the mem ...
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