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  Topic: Oguri Shun

Replies: 4944
Views: 2919230

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:24 pm   Subject: Oguri Shun
After watching a whole lot of other dramas and realizing that Oguri Shun is not the only hot actor out there, I started becoming tired of him.....but then I watched Densha Otoko. Shocked I think it ...
  Topic: What dramas are you currently watching?

Replies: 27481
Views: 13936741

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:19 pm   Subject: What dramas are you currently watching?
I'm currently watching Densha Otoko and so far its been pretty good. I dont think its going to be one of my favorites, but I'll never know until I finish the series.
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