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  Topic: Kashiwabara Takashi

Replies: 826
Views: 486070

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2001 10:33 pm   Subject: Kashiwabara Takashi
shota no sushi iz really nice
i finished it in 2 dayz
non stop
  Topic: Office Lady

Replies: 2
Views: 7063

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 10:47 pm   Subject: Office Lady
yeah yeah!!
i watched!
it's a really nice drama
it's funny!
  Topic: Koi No Kamisama

Replies: 9
Views: 11735

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 10:53 pm   Subject: Koi No Kamisama
ya guys haf a ny idea where 2 get this dorama?
  Topic: Kashiwabara Takashi

Replies: 826
Views: 486070

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2001 1:58 am   Subject: Kashiwabara Takashi
totally agree with ya
he looks really good in that show
& it's really a good show!
if any of ya haven't watch it
betta go !
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