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  Topic: Water Boys 2

Replies: 333
Views: 183863

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:45 am   Subject: Water Boys 2
yeah, i think its only a bootleg or whatever...not the original one....but its okay...itll do i guess for now... hehe
  Topic: Water Boys 2

Replies: 333
Views: 183863

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:40 pm   Subject: Water Boys 2
i love this tv series....i thought it was very hilarious and unique.....the actors are really good and their quite good looking too specially the lead one...though this didnt came with an english sub ...
  Topic: Ito Hideaki

Replies: 142
Views: 137105

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:11 am   Subject: Ito Hideaki
i saw UMIZARU on the plane on my way back here in LA...as i was looking through the movie guide,when i saw Hideaki Ito's picture and i was so happy and thrilled and forgot about the 9hours i was gona ...
  Topic: Ueto Aya

Replies: 42792
Views: 13402486

PostForum: Discussions on Artistes   Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:26 am   Subject: Ueto Aya
yups...shes AZUMI...one of the best movies ive seen this year....how i wish i can see it on the big screen.....i had a hard time looking for the dvd....i even have to bid on ebay...but yeah, the movie ...
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