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  Topic: What are your Top 5 dramas of all time?

Replies: 345
Views: 540117

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 6:34 pm   Subject: What are your Top 5 dramas of all time?
after looooooong consideration...

2) Beautiful Life
3) Pride
4) Orange Days
5) Umizaru
  Topic: Upcoming JDramas

Replies: 2946
Views: 6158846

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:09 pm   Subject: Upcoming JDramas
wat? cant the critics juz shut their trap? how many many times haf they mention anything being the end of kimura? ever since he got married till now. come on, he juz won the an-an poll for the consecu ...
  Topic: JDrama(s) worth watching more than 3 times

Replies: 163
Views: 111009

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 2:20 pm   Subject: JDrama(s) worth watching more than 3 times
well, this is my list:

long vacation-4 times(needless to say, a classic, surely worth 3 times at least?
love generation-5 times(quite a light hearted one)
hero-6 times(just love it, and love it) ...
  Topic: Pride

Replies: 1036
Views: 411357

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:35 pm   Subject: Pride
yeah, itz really sickening, the way the media r writing things, well, i understand it had always been that way, but this has gone way way too far
  Topic: NHK Kouhaku Red & White Competition Thread

Replies: 398
Views: 1508035

PostForum: Japanese Entertainment Discussions   Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:03 pm   Subject: NHK Kouhaku Red & White Competition Thread
well, SMAP's sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana is a very very meaningful song that touches lotsa people. i guess that is one of the very good reason why that is so popular
  Topic: JDrama Recommendations

Replies: 5869
Views: 5010144

PostForum: Discussions on Japanese Dramas   Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:26 pm   Subject: JDrama Recommendations
hello,people...I'm newbie.. Smile

Errr...Could you guys recommend me of sad ending Jdramas?
I love a tragic ending...it's more unforgotten hehe

u can try Beautiful Life, real tragic ending... ...
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