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plenar's drama votes (0)

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plenar's dramas (3)
Double score [ダブル スコア]
thought this one would be boring, but no, it turned out pretty interesting cos sorimachi played mostly against type. a good supporting cast, and sorimachi seems to have grown comfortably into his manhood and no longer looks like he's been chewed up and spat out by the family dog. decent chemistry between the two leads. mldesu
Good Luck !! [グッドラック!!]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
outstanding: kimura's hairstyle, suits him to a T. and brings out the good looks he is known for. aside from this, there's only 2 other great things going for this drama, hitomi kuroki and kimura's chemistry with co-star shibasaki kou. what a waste of tsutsumi shinichi's talent, plus some really unbelievable scripting which makes the character spout nonsense and look like an idiot. coming after sora kara and hero, and though we can't always have something fab even if its kimura, i found good luck!! to be something of a let down. tis got a pretty great cast, only wish the content was more substantial. still i enjoyed seeing kimura in his fly suit and tsutusmi san looked pretty cool too :) mldesu
Tentai Kanzoku [天体観測]
was good in the beginning, but unravels hopelessly, script does not maintain its good quality which is a waste of the talented cast's abilities. an interesting counterpoint about the script tho is that it has the guts to conclude against norm. most stirring performance for me was ito hideaki's idealist salaryman learning hard lessons of life, and his courage to embrace the father who was never there for him. mldesu

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