jem knows about his stuff being posted on newsgroups and other BT sites. its even on the donkey network. its been happening for some time.
he is still releasing HK dramas. Just NOT through BT anymore, he is going by his old way, through IRC. he got fedup with the first ones who completes and disappears. frankly, so did I.
jem posts notes on his site. he mentioned he might stop his work due to personal reasons. so let's hope for the best. He used to have an arranged way of releasing through a group of people (one of them was me), but he stopped it and i'm not sure if its planned. He mentioned before that if anyone can get a group together to help him with the "tiered" seeding way...... he might think about it.
oh yeah. he says fanwork. not fansubs. which explains the tv-capture, and not fan-subbed work. ehhehe.
I've seen so many ebay sellers trying to sell his stuff. just search for English subbed Japanese Dramas. you will find lots of them. read people's comment in the feedback.