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Viewing profile :: Swedish_Japan_Lover
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Joined:  28 Jun 2005
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Country (Nationality):  Sweden
Location:  King Kong Massu's bed / EGG
Occupation:  Student
Interests: Almost All J-stuff, Johnnys Jr, Movies, Music, Dramas
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Swedish_Japan_Lover's drama votes (11)
Bloody Monday [ブラッディ・マンデイ]
Engine [エンジン]
Hana Yori Dango [花より男子]
Ikebukuro West Gate Park [池袋ウエストゲートパーク]
Kimi wa Petto [きみはペット]
LIFE [ライフ]
My Boss, My Hero [マイボスマイヒロ]
Nobuta wo Produce [野ブタ。をプロデュース]
Best Dorama Ever ~~ Best Ending ~~ Best Super Besto Capporu ~~
Nodame Cantabile [のだめ カンタビ−レ]
Orange Days [オレンジデイズ]
Pride [プライド]

Swedish_Japan_Lover's artiste votes (9)
Ayase Haruka [綾瀬はるか]
I wasnt that pleased when I watched my first drama with Ayase in it, but as the number of dramas increased, I totally fell for her. DAMN what an actress! She's both passionate and brave about her characters, [SPOILER] for example when she in Sekai no chuushin de ai wo sakebu seriously shaved her head, I was totally impressed, not many actresses do that, i seriously thought that the hat would be the only thing showing she lost her hair, good job! [Spoiled end] I look forward to more dramas with Ayase!
Bito Takeshi [ビートたけし]
a strange, old, odd man, but who can't love him for that? his work as a director are simpley beautiful and his acting skills (only to mention BR) are superb! Beat beats everyone!
Koyuki [小雪]
Im a big admirer of koyuki, not only because she reminds me of my own sister. Her acting is so natural, and when she's showing emotions like irritation, sadness or joy you feel with her. She's very thin and beautiful and still doesn't sell herself too, and that totally earns my respect. Go koyuki! <3
Masuda Takahisa [増田貴久]
Massu is my no.1, so even if isnt the greatest actor in the world, I sill vote for him
Mizushima Hiro [水嶋ヒロ]
First when I saw him in hana kimi, I only thought he was cute, and thats not really a reason for voting. Then I realized his acting skills as well. Even though most of his roles are supposed to increase viewers because of his cute appearance he actually can act. He doesnt have the same way of acting in every drama which a lot of actors can have, when you see him in a new role he IS a new role and you cant really compare it to the previous one, and thats skills.
Narimiya Hiroki [成宮寛貴]
despite his absolutley charming appearence and personality, he's a great actor with a lot of passion in any role he play, a comedyrole, a psychorole, a loveable role, he got it!
Shibasaki Kou [柴咲コウ]
she impressed me in Battle Royale and from there, as both a singer and an actress she's one of my favorites, very, very good!
Ueno Juri [上野樹里]
She has proven she has very broad actingskills, with a lot of hidden talents and passion for acting! She could play any role!
Yamada Takayuki [山田孝之]
If i hear that takayuki is in a drama, i strongly consider to watch it, every drama with him makes me interested. Not only because he's damn gorgeous but also for his acting. He's absolutly one of my favoriteactors, I don't know if his looks may have something to do with it, but his expressions and everything makes the drama worth watching

Swedish_Japan_Lover's dramas (115)
1 Pound no Fukuin [1ポンドの福音]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I am confused about what I think of this drama. I did enjoy the relationship between the main characters since it was very cute as well as humorous. However I think it was a bit too rushy and... hysterical? Especially Kame's character but well well, if he was supposed to play a hysterical role like Hatanaka I guess he did a pretty good job. I totally changed my opinion about Kuroki Meisa, Ive up until this drama disliked her, but she was very cute and talanted in this drama, so thumbs up! I guess it was good for being a like i call it "hyserical drama"!
14 sai no Haha [14歳の母]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
too dramatic and sometimes boring as well, but entertaining and a good story too! good actors aswell, especially the leads
Akai Ito [赤い糸]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Anego [アネゴ]
Rating: 8/10 (Bought & Watched)
Atashinchi no Danshi [アタシんちの男子]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
If you overlook the unrealistic training of stewardess' in this one it's quite amusing to watch. Although you can get pretty irritated with Ueto's character in some scenes. I liked ryos part though, and aibu's part as well, im also a fan of maya! I wished they could have develop the relationship between yoko and shota a bit more, not even in the specals you could feel it move forward....but anyway, i enjoyed it!
Bambino! [バンビーノ!]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Oh damn! Extremely boring, I was almost going to stop watching it. The thing is, there are a lot of dramas where a person want to be something and the path is very hard but at the end he/she really does succeed, and I usually like those kind of dramas, but this one was too much! Too much of everything.... probably the only drama so far where matsujun has disappointed me, but I like the rest of the cast and it had a few cute and watchable moments.
Beautiful life [ビューティフルライフ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Binbo Danshi [貧乏男子 (ボンビーメン)]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Although I kind of liked this drama, im not in to dept-dramas.... they can get pretty tiring, this was pretty good but could still get boring... And I didnt like the ending at all, sure I like when endings are unpredictable, but... it was just so wrong ;___; Oguri was good though, I really like his actingskills, though Ive never seen him play a normal role, either a sad quiet person or a crazy energic person, such a shame, but i'm still waiting!
Bloody Monday [ブラッディ・マンデイ]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
I liked it! Miura was fantastic in this! I really like his way of acting. Sato Takeru was also fantastic! Not to mention NARIMIYA HIROKI, most dramas are watchable as long as he's in it. There's such a clear gap between the skills of narimiya and the rest of the cast, he acts with his whole body and takes advantages of every scene he's in. About the story I have to say it was very thrilling and exciting and I didn't mind that the episodes were a little longer than other dramas since it wasn't boring at any point. The atmosphere is so tense that youre kept entertained and curious about the outcome and you could basically spent just one or two days watching it through. I like relationships of the characters as well, not as formal as some can be in Jdramas, it looked normal and as viewer you buy it. I guess what makes me not giving this the top grade is when it comes to the end I didn't think everything made sense, like the identity of "K", I am however surprise they didn't even give any hints about who K could be until it was exposed. Plus it could get a bit naggy with all the small messages covering the screen each and every second, plus the "hot policewomen" reminded me of a bad american thriller... But overall it was extremly thrilling (I kept thinking what if it did happen?) and very touching at some points too. I look forward to watch the second season!
Bloody Monday Season 2 [ブラッディ・マンデイ-シーズン2-]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Even more tense and exciting than the first season however not as good as it. Its pretty much the same plot, fix everything before the time runs out and the world gets destroyed. Since they pressed more tension to it it worked and you didn't get bored during the whole show. Its pretty scary when everythings fucked up in it and you cant trust anyone. However somethings are very predictable, happenings which make you think the good people are in fact the bad ones are clearly just to confuse you, you can easily figure out whats real and whats fake. I do also have to say that as well as the first season I am pretty slightly disappointed about the ending. It confused me and was to be correct somewhat lame. The twist and turns get a bit over the top and things just dont logically work out, but I guess its ok compared to other dramas where you always get hints about the truth, at least its exciting in this! The first episodes are by the way very tragic and something did actually happen which I didn't expect although I am not sure if the creators would be able to pull something like that off in other episode than the first one, if something really tragic happen it must take place in the first episode to not make the audience too disappointed in the middle of the show, which I found quite chicken. It would be so much more drama and action and to be honest quite more realistic as well if it happened through the show. About the actors all I can say is GREAT! Although I am pretty tired of the good people who eventually become bad always do the "psycho-who-just-do-it-for-fun"-act. Overall recommendable and thrilling!
Boku dake no Madonna [僕だけのマドンナ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Boku no Imoto [ぼくの妹]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
First time watching a drama with Odagiri. This character was very dull and boring which make me automatically think Odagiri is boring too, it'll be interesting to watch his other dramas. He was indeed good at playing laid back. I'm starting to get tired of Nagasawa however, she always portraits her roles in the same way. Started off pretty slow and boring, developed in right speed though and got very interesting and even thrilling as well a few times! Also at first I was thinking it would be a really slow drama about their boring daily lives through the very first episode, but the added "crime" and the twist and turns made it watchable! Not one of my favorites, but still an enjoyable and quite cozy series about two siblings!
Busu no Hitomi Koishiteru [ブスの瞳恋してる]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Buzzer Beat ~ Gakeppuchi no Hero [ブザー・ビート]
Rating: 8/10
Byakuyakou [白夜行]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
There are few times political dramas interest me, they tend to be boring and very hard to understand and follow. This one though was very easy to understand plus very exciting and very nailing! They did a great job with catching the audience and symphatize with the maincharacter. Kimura surprised me as well, in my comment about his drama PRIDE I said he always has the same bodylanguage which I changed my opionion about. Sure he twitch his lips every once in a while, randomly grinns, pous his lips and flex his arms around from time to time but I guess you have to except thats his way of acting. Just like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, or Julia Roberts do which are all considered famous for their acting. In this drama his character stood out from his classical "mysterious sexy man"-role and did a great job. It was interesting to see him and Fukatsu Eri acting against each other again, now in a COMPLETLY other way than in Sora kara furu ichioku no hoshi! Terao Akira portraited Kanbayashi, the selfish politician with a well polished surface extremly good, he had the typical look of someone like that. Kato Rosa was a bit too cutified but still did a pretty good job, not to mention Abe Hiroshi which is like the most amusing actor ever. Rest of the cast was ok and nothing to complain about. The drama could get a liiittle bit too dramatic and it wasn't GREAT. Still another cozy drama where you get the follow one person aiming high and overcoming all obstacles along the way, enjoy!
Code Blue: Doctor Heli Kinkyu Kyumei [コード・ブルー]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Pretty slow, good actors though yamapi played a quiet sad serious person again, and its getting pretty tiring, since he cant play those roles. but the rest of the cast was very entertaining. the story was kind of blur, there wasn't really a beginning nor an end, it was just the same thing through the whole series and not too much development of the characters, i like doctordramas though, so not too bad.
Deep Love ~ Ayu No Monogatari [アユの物語]
Rating: 4/10 (Watched)
Worst acting I've ever seen in a Jdrama... Developed and progressed too little and too slow. In the plot it seem interesting "living a useless life but meet the boy yoshiyuki and falls in love" and plus that the genre says drama plus romance... WHERES THE ROMANCE? WHere do you see her actually falling in love? EMOTIONLESS! This is a cruel drama where a lot of sad and very... tragic things happen, still NO emotions what so ever? Just because you can put on an empty face and stare at the horizon doesnt mean youre a good actress... it was just so... PLAIN. And just because Keita was in it they HAD to have the themesong by LEAD? Even though it didnt fit the drama at all? It was just weird hearing that cheerful melody appear in a sad drama like this.... everyones acting was just strange and weird than realistic, I actually wanted to see more emotions, more sorrow if you will, not just empty faces and boring scenes where NOTHING happens and that irritating insertsong deep love played in the background. Even tough the creator wanted to portrait how empty the life of an prostitue is but it just doesnt work to make a drama interesting!! It was just so bad... or... it wasnt even bad it was just strange and emotionless and disgusting... which ive already mention 10 times... oh well time to stop... NOT recommendable, just a waste of time. (Btw who the f is yoshi? he made this? he suck!!) the 4 goes for pao for being so damn cute, and obaachan deserves it to.
Densha Otoko [電車男]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Can't help loving it. At first it feels kinda boring and ridiculous, but damn! It's so cute you have to watch it! And also, this is japanese magic, when you can make forum-relationship so touching ;_;
Dragon Zakura [ドラゴン桜]
Rating: 9/10 (Bought & Watched)
Engine [エンジン]
Rating: 10/10 (Bought & Watched)
First Kiss [ファースト・キス]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
The first episode is very boring and lame and I was about to quit watching it but then I gave it a second chance, and DAMN, its very cute! Recomend it!
Gachi Baka ! [ガチバカ !]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Galileo [ガリレオ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I LOVED THIS ONE, usally it would be too much for me to watch for a criminal drama, but they made it seem so short, i wouldnt mind a second season! and SHIBASAKI KOU I LOVE
Ganbatte Ikimasshoi [がんばっていきまっしょい]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Gekidan Engimono - Ie ga Tooi [劇団演技者 - 家が遠い]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Godhand Teru [ゴッドハンド輝]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I am not a big fan of medical dramas. Usually because all 11 episode are filled up with slowmotion-scenes, too much drama and too much clich&#233;. This drama however was AWESOME. I think what benefits this drama the most was the length. For a experienced dramawatcher you are used to clich&#233; and predictable storylines, plots and endings. However you have learned to overlook those things. You have become to love the dramas for what they represent and stand for. I admit that japanese dramas make me smile while watching them, not because they're so clich&#233; but because theyre so heartwarming, and Ive received both hope and encouragement from them. Back to the subject. The 6 episodes was enough to fill all those clich&#233;s up for a medical drama, i wouldnt have liked it if it were 11 =) RECOMMENDABLE!
Gokusen [ごくせん]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Gokusen Season 2 [ごくせん2]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Good Luck !! [グッドラック!!]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
[rewrite it!!]
GTO [麻辣教師]
Rating: 8/10
H2~Kimi to itahibi [2〜君といた日々]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Nice but too slow! I LOVED the ending though and the hand-part was so cute!
Hachimitsu to Kuroba [ハチミツとクローバー]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
I loved the story and the characters, but it was so slow and no action at all, very boring sometimes
Hana Yori Dango [花より男子]
Rating: 10/10 (Bought & Watched)
The first season is phenomenal and absolutely one of my faves. It was like a typical manga in dramaform with all the cuteness and excitement! The actors were good as well and yeah, not very much more to say. The SECOND season however SUCKED. It was annoying, boring and such a waste... I didn't understand the need of it and just by squeezing in more and more fighting between Tsukushi and Tsukasa made it so tiring.... The movie worked though being to fairytale ending. However it would have been enough with the first season.
Hana Yori Dango Season 2 [花より男子]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
I was very annoyed with this one. After watching HYD S1, I was expecting this to be soooooo good, but I was highly disappointed!! Unlike the first season, which was filled with so much passion, good music, touching scenes, amusing jokes, and cute love that makes you warm inside, this drama was only struggling to watch, you got annoyed and sad every other minute and the fact that the Rui-problem was brought up once again made me very angry. No, this drama only caused you to be unsure if the ending you wanted would come, which it did, which made the whole drama unnecessary.... since HYD was very special to me, i don't want anything to ruin it, and this almost did. Why the 6? A pretty lame excuse actually, it's still HYD, with the characters I love. (Watch the movie btw, it was watchable)
Hanayome to Papa [花嫁とパパ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Well well well what to say... Ishihara Satomi is one of my favorite j-actresses and she did a good job in this one too. I liked the side-story with the manager, I am a fan of those kind of stories. Although I was always getting annoyed with the plot, the father and just the situation of Aiko not being able to do what she wants, so I guess my personal opinions and values drags the rating down. Junno was so so, at this point his actingskills are weak, but i didn't get annoyed by him at least, haha! The low rating is also because of the ending, but it was already disposed in the beginning that this is a drama filled with conflicts but will no matter what end like a fairytale.
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e [花ざかりの君たちへ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Well well well I really like boys-school dramas. I also love Oguri Shun and Ikuta Toma. And In nobuta wo produce I also loved Horikita Maki, however I didnt love her in this drama. In my personal opinion someone else could have played her role much better. The drama itself was too dramatic in a lot of scenes and mostly its a drama where all you've been waiting for happens in the last seconds of it. So emotionally it brings the rating down, what still gives it a high rate is the humor. I laughed so much during this, and it was probably those scenes that makes it recommendable (Oh and not to mention, its very cute!)
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Comments coming soon (JUNNO ~~)
Hataraki Man [働きマン]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Hi wa Mata Noboru [陽はまた昇る]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Hotaru no haka [蛍の墓]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Hotaru no Hikari [ホタルノヒカリ]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Hotaru no Hikari Season 2 [ホタルノヒカリ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Ichi Ritoru no Namida [1リットルの涙]
Rating: 10/10 (Bought & Watched)
Ikebukuro West Gate Park [池袋ウエストゲートパーク]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
omg... *laffs and cries*
Innocent Love [イノセント・ラヴ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Mwaaaah... I don't really know if I enjoyed this or not. I just can't help myself thinkin Horikita Maki can't act. She's all cute and that stuff but I don't believe her acting, she's either too much or just dull depending on what's happening. I'm so disappointed since when I first saw here in Nobuta wo Produce I LOVED her....The drama also had a... "depressing aura" through the series which kinda made it frustrating to watch it. Also too dramatic, especially the last episode where they rushed and squeezed in a lot of unnecessary scenes. Developed real slow as well. Narimiya Hiroki is someone who made the drama worth watching. He's just so skilled in every role he play, he maaaybe could have taken his character out a bit more, but nothing to complain about! Personally I don't like when Christianity plays a big role in Jdramas, is it just me or do everyone seem to become ultra kind? Weird... Oh well, I guess you'll survive watching this, it's not THAT boring, it can just take a little time watching it through.
Juui Dolittle [獣医ドリトル]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Karei naru Ichizoku [華麗なる一族]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Extremly sad drama, though i'm pretty irritated about the last 5-6 minutes of it. Liked it because of the music and the twisted family relationship, however it could get pretty slow and since i'm not interested in financial things i didn't understand the whole bank-steel company competition, but i dont think you have to, when it goes bad or good youll notice, sometimes too many close-ups on kimitaku instead of actually get to the point. i do recommend it though!
Kekkon Dekinai Otoko [結婚できない男]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Abe is absolutely one of my favorite actors! And he's clearly showing off his skills in this one as the perfectionist Kuwano-san! Its so incredibly interesting to watch when he cook his food and enjoying it, and thats pretty weird when you think about it, what is so interesting about an old man eating a fat piece of meat? the rest of the cast was very amusing too! Also fun watching Tsukamoto, since this was the first drama I saw him in since the movie BR! The thing that brings the mark down was Kuwanos family, where his sisters husband actually cheated on her and actually tried to make that funny, and failed. Also it could sometimes get a little lengthy, but still good!
Kimi wa Petto [きみはペット]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Kindaichi Shonen no Jikembo Season 3 [金田一少年の事件簿 3]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Kindaichi shonen no Jikenbo (2005) [金田一少年の事件簿]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Koishite Akuma [恋して悪魔]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
SOOOO SLOW! There were too many close-ups and flashbacks. Also I wanted more development of relationship of the characters. Of course there was some small changed but they were so obscure and all of a sudden it ended just like that. I wanted more conflicts and more scenes of the school environment, how Kurimiya handled the daily life, but you only got too see very small parts of that stuff. Also when he changed he changed instantly and didn't like..."learn" to change. In short the story was in a rush while they squeezed in as many close-ups and flashbacks as possible. At least it was somewhat watchable because of the vampirestory although there are some criticism about that as well...(mostly personal opinions about what vampires behave)
Koizora [恋空]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
I'm very happy that this drama only was 6 episodes. If you want to watch both the drama and the movie i suggest you watch the drama first. The movie is SO much better. Sure, this drama had it's moments, and its not exactly the same as the movie (same story different scenes) but sometimes it was copied right off! And the actress who playes mika was SO annoying, therefore watch the movie instead!
Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003 [高校教師 2003]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Pretty unrealistic and also very plain and boring sometimes, confusing ending and many back and forth-scenes, pretty cute story and good actors. What gives the drama a 7 is Narimiya's actingskills, damn, without him the mark would have been so much lower. He gave the drama energy!
Kurisumasu Nante Dai Kirai
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Kurosagi [クロサギ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Um, i'm probably plain dumb but I actually didn't understand much of this drama... it was pretty complicated but i still enjoyed watching pi dress up and swindle people, I just didnt understand how he did it nor his relationship with the old dude at the cafe, well some of it yeah, but in the everything went to complicated... havent even watch the movie yet since it took me a while to watch the whole series... I liked maki's charachter though, sadly their relationship didn't develop as much as I wanted
Last Cinderella [ラスト シンデレラ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Last Friends [ラスト・フレンズ]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
When youve watched 5 or 6 episodes you get pretty tired of ryos scenes, and i was a little disappointed at the end, sometimes very boring and akward, and also here very dramatic. Besides that I liked the story a lot, the characters (ryo, mizukawa asami, eita) and Ueno is one of the best actresses in the world! Masami was kind of annoying, But i do have to say shes getting better!
Liar Game [ライアーゲーム]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I enjoyed this one. It was nice to see matsuda shota as one of the leads and he did a pretty good job! Toda was also very good as always! As for the drama it was slow sometimes but very fascinating to watch. Sakamoto Makoto scares the crap out of me by the way.
LIFE [ライフ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I dont know why I give this drama a 10, but it suprisingly kept me entertained for two days, so I guess I kinda fell for it! I liked the length of the episodes as well as the dorama itself, if this kind of dorama had been 11 episodes, 46 mins each, i would probably not give it a ten, very exciting and no boring scenes as i remember it!
Long Love Letter [ロング・ラブレター〜漂流教室]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Long vacation [ロングバケーション]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
A bit too emotionless. They dragged it out for too long at the end when they could have skipped one or two episodes. Sena was boring, Minami was very funny! I loved the way she acted and it was entertaining to watch even though it wasn't supposed to be amusing all the time. I wonder why old dramas contain a lot more ecchi stuff than modern ones. Im not saying this contained a lot, but at least they were REAL kisses and not "CHU"-ish like in the new ones. So thumbs up for that. In the end, I specifically want love in a drama, and I got it from this one.
Love generation [ラブジェネレーション]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Love Shuffle [ラブシャッフル]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I have some small complaints but they're not enough to not giving this drama a ten. It stands out, contains an unpredictable cast yet very talented, didn't seem too dramatic, didn't get boring, made you want more, and a very entertaining story as well! M-M! (Although since I'm great my guess about the ending was right! moaha)
Lunch no Joou [ランチの女王]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
good mostly because of the ending
Majo no jouken [魔女の条件]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Mei-chan no Shitsuji [メイちゃんの執事]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
A typichal "girls-academy"-drama, which are one of my favorite genres. It was cute, amusing, even a bit touching and exciting to watch! It maybe got too political correct sometimes, but it didn't really bother me. Mizushima Hiro fit that ikkemen character perfectly and so does Sato Takeru (which we'll certainly see more of). Eikura Nana is also one of my faves, I remember her fron Proposal Daisakusen and Ive wanted to see her as the leading role since then. Very cute and recommendable!
Mop Girl [モップガール]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Yes yes yes! A very amusing and thrilling drama! Great acting from both Kimutaku and Ayase! The same structure of every episode but diffrent stories, typichal "criminal-drama". Loved the guestroles like Koyuki (<3) and Gackt (which scared the crap out of me). The scenes at the lab was fun with all that supertechnology and there's great comedy in here as well. I don't really have anything more to say, it's just very entertaining! Watch it!
My Boss, My Hero [マイボスマイヒロ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
This is magic. When you can make this, a drama that only contains stupidness and jokes to still have a meaning. Seriously I even started to cry in some scenes just because I was so touched by the message and the emotions. And thats gold to me when you mix this overwhelming comedy (which FYI made me fall of my chair of laughter) with a touching message. It gives certain respect to the drama, when some just make fun of everything.
Naka nai to Kimeta Hi [泣かないと決めた日]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Nobuta wo Produce [野ブタ。をプロデュース]
Rating: 10/10 (Bought & Watched)
My favorite drama of all times. This drama represent the true nature of friendship and it was so touching I can't do anything but just loving this! Pi was perfect as baka akira and Kame did a very good job as Shuji, same goes to Maki which was my first time seeing her, and she was very talented as Nobuta. It was fun and touching, not much more to say. WATCH IT!
Nodame Cantabile [のだめ カンタビ−レ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Absolutely one of my favorite Jdramas! I am a big fan of classic music so this was just exactly my taste! The development of both characters and story was in perfect speed and very exciting as well. The lovestory was sooo cute and enjoyable! I really have no complaints of this drama. It was totally amusing and loveable! The humor was outstanding with all the special effects like pink cheeks and small hearts flying around combined with classical dramatic music and Ueno Juri and Tamaki Hiroshi characters were so...GOOD!!! That goes for Eita and Mizukawa as well or... the rest of the whole cast! Fantastic! (Takenaka Naoto is my god... I can't stop laughin at his character and dialect...) Rating: 10(0)
Ns' Aoi [Ns’ あおい ]
Rating: 9/10 (Bought & Watched)
Oh! My Girl!! [オー!マイ・ガール!!]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Orange Days [オレンジデイズ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Brings back old "life of a student"-feelings which I really enjoyed. The characters as much as the actors were great and the story developed perfectly and just like the way you wanted. Shibasaki Kou, Tsumabuki Satoshi, NARIMIYA HIROKI (!!!), Shiraishi Miho and Eita are all GREAT! Was also fun to see Ueno Juri so young like she was in here. I really loved this, it was cute, cozy, exciting and even somewhat touching! Highly recommendable!
Orthros no Inu [オルトロスの犬]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
The first 4 episodes of this was just booooooooring. It was like they tried so hard to get a a cool athmosphere in it, everything was sooo mysterious and soooo breathtakin, well they failed. It was just emotionless but with too much dramatic tense. When the fifth episode came out it took a complete different direction. They placed more feeling into it and it was like everyone's acting improved just like that! Takki's character began to show more feelings than just being cold like stone before (I wonder how much headache Takki had when tensing his eyebrows all the time!!). You began to doubt Ryo's character to be that lamely overrated good person. Mizukawa's character was instead of being that "cool sexy cop"-character which I got the chills from in the previous episodes she actually started to show some skills and got more emotional and real in her acting. And just like that with that sudden change everything got more interesting, the story started to develop more and same goes for the characters which nailed you to keep watching. I actually began to feel for the characters, especially Ryuzaki which in most dramas that have almost the same plot fails to create. It was fun to see Yaotome in a drama too, although he has a looot to learn from his sempais. In the end it was a very catching and thrilling drama despite the first four episodes. The ending was a bit too much maybe and the few minutes left after the peripeteia could have been skipped. Its a typichal ending where what you dont wantto happen happens and when you finally starting to accepting it it suddenly turns out to end diffrently, but really, you'll survive!
Pride [プライド]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
I am a sucker for "tough, popular, attractive playboy finds a special someone"-dramas, especially with Kimura in it. I also am a fan of icehockey therefore I thought this drama would suit me perfectly. And yes, in many ways it did! I aww'ed, I rewind and rewatched scenes, I even paused sometimes to think through the past scenes again in my head! It was cute and very genuine and made me feel so warm inside, I was like in love w/o being it irl. During the show however I realized smth about Kimura. I've always thought he is a good actor (and superattractive...it must be his voice!!) but now Ive come to see that its almost always the same type of roles he plays. Not the same characters, but he use the same bodylanguage and expressions, it proves his lack of variation. However I can't stop liking this type of role since it fits him perfectly, I don't think anyone could have been more suitable of this drama. The rest of the cast, Takeuchi, Sato Koichi, Sakaguchi were awesome as always and the rest Ive no complaints about. Concerning the development I kinda liked it until about the 7th episode. I have to say I like when things happen early in dramas and not waiting till the very last second. However they dragged the whole "past-boyfriend" out for too long, from the 7th ep till the very end. It was boring and sometimes very frustrating during those episodes until the lovely ending showed up. The hockeymatches were not my favorites though, too much slowmotion. I also have to add that when jdramas use old rockbandsongs like queen (it worked so well in engine too with aerosmith and jimmy cliff) its even more pleasant to watch, its very suitable for a hockeydrama as well. The music also gives the drama an old touch (old in a positive way) like sweet 80's. My last comment is about the environment in the drama, it was so... cosy!!! Watching this when autumn aint far away is most recommendable!
Proposal Daisakusen [プロポーズ大作戦]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I love the environment and this kind of character fit Yamapi. Although its a drama where everything really happens in the end. But I felt that every episode had a meaning though, and that made me feel warm inside ^^ The specials made the story better by the way!
Rebound [リバウンド]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Regatta [レガッタ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
I liked it. good actors, not mokomichi though, he cant really act, but it was interesting, i heard it was so unpopular that they just made it 9 episodes? well if thats true, you will notice, it seemed too short at the end. i liked the loverelationship between makoto and mi-chan, very cute! and taro yamamoto rocks why world!
RESCUE ~ Tokubetsukodo Kyujotai [特別高度救助隊]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Unrealistic, pretty the same story through every episode, too dramatic, too screamy and sometimes too cliche. Nakamaru was quite an eyesore in it, stop screaming!!!! I really hope to see him in more dramas where he doesn't have to be so hyper and hysterical. I do somehow end up crying a few times out of touching scenes. Stupid japanese people always make the drama worth watching at some point. *grins* At some point you start to follow the drama and not just watching it too, it drags you along and in that way it can be kind of interesting. Lastly I have to say MASSU IS SO CUUUUUTEEEEE!!!!!!!!! His acting has improved <3 (He also makes the grade a bit higher)
RHPlus [RHプラス]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Watchable because of the lenght of the episodes. It was also interesting to see a shonenai-manga in dramashape, they did that pretty good! They catched the typical manga characters and relationships. However it was occasionally pretty boring and eventless. I'm disappointed they didn't really show more of the vampire-side, would have been more action. But the story of Makoto was very brutal, which is kind of unusual for Jdramas. Other than Makoto's story I didnt really experienced any more touching scenes or stories. Like I said it is however watchable due to the the length.
Rich Man, Poor Woman [リッチマン、プアウーマン]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
ROOKIES [ルーキーズ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Goodlooking boys, nice story, and pretty good developed... too many slowmotion and dramatic scenes, but recommendable! And GReeeeN's Kiseki did play a huge role to make this interesting!
Ryusei no Kizuna [流星の絆]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I really loved this drama, although it was based on a sad story, it was very entertaining, thrilling/exciting and amusing. They made a great mix out of sad and touching scenes and amusing happenings like the swindling. Toda, Ninomiya and Nishikido made an awesome trio as the siblings and all of them have improved their acting! Got reallt nothing more else to say, just great!
Samurai High School [サムライ・ハイスクール]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Sapuri [サプリ]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Ito did now impress me in this drama, thought she was a bit annoying actually, besides that good acting from the rest of the cast. Could get a little boring sometimes, and some things were just unnecessary to bring up. Although I like the kissing-scene, and also the commissions the editorial staff got! Pretty slow though, didn't have a special energy to make you want to watch more.
Satomi Hakenden [里見八犬伝]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
Seigi no Mikata [正義の味方]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Good drama! It was amusing and exciting. I was very impressed by Yamada Yu cause my previous experience of her acting has not really overwhelmed me, but this role fits her perfectly! Shinda Mirai was also very amusing, she has grown so much since the last time I saw her in a drama, both in her acting and in general, haha! At first I loved the relationship between Yoko and Riku, however I got very disappointed of how it all ended up...and made me also somehow confused, in one episode it ends with those two looking at each other...but NOTHING happened after that, not even a flashback in the episode afterwards...so awkward! I'm get irritated pretty ofte about these kinds of relationships where the main character is neither aware or even seem to care about the others feelings. I am however also somewhat confused about how it ended, how is it supposed to work? (That being said without any spoilers bursting out) It was amusing and easy to watch so I do recommend it even with my small complaints!
Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
The only thing I have to complain about here is how boring it sometimes could get. Was probably too long for a 11episode-series, otherwise GREAT! Ayase turned out to be one of my fav actresses and yamada went somewhat beyond that! They really are perfect together as a workingduo... I loved where the story took place, its a typical place I want to go in Japan.... it was very cute and entertaining too if you ignore the sickness-part, but then again, this is a tragedy, and Yes, i probably cried all of my watersupplies in my body out for this, recommendable, but not if youre not in to sad dramas NOTE: ogata's acting was also great!! he really had the same body language as the young character Yamada played
Shiroi Haru [白い春]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Shokojo Seira [小公女セイラ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi [空から降る一億の星]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
I am a bit shocked right now since I just finish watching this drama. I though maybe I should give it at least an hour before I comment but wth. It is an extremely sad drama, which I didn't get the feeling of in the beginning of the series, which I think is good! Some dramas tend to mark the series right in the beginning that it is something that will be sad and painful and end bad bad bad [That wasn't a spoiler, I talked about sad dramas in general]. This drama however felt like a romantic one in the first episode, mixed with a bit of comedy then it just got more mysterious as it continued. The thing I liked with it is that you still had that romance-feeling left through the whole drama, which didn't make it too.... depressive? Sometimes sad dramas can get so sad it becomes boring, which this didn't, u still had a warm feeling and your hopes up! Even if Kimutaku's character was a bit depressive you always had the feeling it will get better and he will be rescued from his misery from whoever it could be. Even if some terrible things you still had hopes, it never really was a point where everything just going down. Before I watched this drama I read somewhere "omg you will neeever figure out how things really are!!!" but really? No, I didn't figure it out myself mostly because I was still into that romantic mood, but it's not like anything of what happened in the drama surprised me, maybe just gave me a small shock. You can easily figure some of it out if you just think. I liked this drama however. It was entertaining and even a bit weird and thats what made u wanna watch more. I wanted a little more reaction from both Akashiya and Kimura since they both played very calm roles (Kimura's character was silent as well) and I hardly felt any diffrent when they were supposed to get angry/upset. I do agree this is a must-see for Kimura-fans though, you get to see a lot! Over and out.
Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni... [それは、突然、嵐のように…]
Rating: 5/10 (Watched)
brings the mark down because of the bad ending and unnatural relationships. I mean, why call your husband who you have been living with for 7 years for SAN? it just doesnt make sense, the environment was kinda boring as well, and the ending sucked...and the mainactress was pretty annoying as well
Stand UP!!
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Summer Nude [サマーヌード]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Sunao ni Narenakute [素直になれなくて]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Switch Girl!! [スイッチガール!!]
Rating: 6/10 (Watched)
Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta [大切なことはすべて君が教えてくれた]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Taiyo no Kisetsu [太陽の季節]
Rating: 8/10 (Bought & Watched)
Taiyou no uta [タイヨのうた]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
GREAT acting from yamada, he's so great! im getting pretty sick with sawajiri, she can't play any other roles than sick characters, she doesn't drag the rating down though. The story itself was very touching and im actually confused if i liked this better than the movie or not, they're pretty much equally good. I liked the environment a lot, it was very pleasant to watch, made those springfeelings (not exactly sure if this word excist in english haha) bubble up ^^
Tatta Hitotsu no Koi [たったひとつの恋]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I totally loved this drama. Especially the rich girl - poor boy situation, it's so, revolutionary somehow! In this one I also opened my eyes for Hayase, she's actually a very good actress! Something that also made this drama worth its ten was the music, the environment (BOAT!! nya <33) and the music go very good toghether! And kame is a really good actor too!
Teru Teru Ashita [てるてるあした]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Incredibly slow, but still a very cute atmosphere and environment through the whole drama. Since im a big fan of different kinds of buildings I LOVED the house!! Such cozy rooms, i would do anything to live in a room like that. Liked the mysterious story as well!
Tokyo DOGS ~ Saiaku de Saiko no Partner [東京DOGS]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
I do have to say that Oguri and Mizushima made an awesome couple acting together. I thought it was a typical japanese comedy drama which means its very alike to tons of other dramas. However I do quite enjoy these dramas where there always something new in every episode, like different stories or crimes combined with the original story. The same styled rapid jokes in every episode between the characters of Mizushima and Oguri was very funny as well, somehow I also like when jokes returns over and over throughout the series of course depending on what it is about. These jokes were so short compared to the length of the drama so it didn't drag the rating down. The drawback of these kind of dramas is that the original plot gets somewhat hidden and developing slow in comparison of the current plot in each episode. It makes the ending sudden and awkward though they saved it with some comedy in this one. Recommendable!
Tsuki no Koibito [月の恋人]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Voice [ヴォイス]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Waraeru Koi wa Shitakunai [笑える恋はしたくない]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Annoying leading characters but despite that a very heartwarming drama and perfect around Christmas time, and massu's in it ;) he's so cuuuute <3
Water Boys [ウォーターボーイズ]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Wonderful Life [ワンダフルライフ]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan [ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Yuukan kurabu [有閑倶楽部]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Pretty funny, its good for those of you that doesnt want to watch anything serious, in a positive meaning. It was nice to watch, didnt have that many expectations so I enjoyed it!
Zettai Kareshi [絶対彼氏]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Not as good as I hoped, bad ending... When i read it was about a robot I imagined this whole thing when you want the human to be with the robot, but it doesnt work if mizushima hiro is another human falling in love! It's just to sad! Although if you want comedy i laughed a lot during this!

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